Martial Arts Reunion

Hello Martial Arts Students
Please come train with old friends and class mates!
Yarrow and I are renting the BRCCM great room for a the weekend of March 12th and 13th to host a reunion of sorts. We would like to invite all interested previous students of the center to come and train together in any art that you trained in the past at BRCCM or otherwise.
PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD….. this is open to all that have trained any given art in the past!
We are hoping to help felicitate this happening but we are not trying to put ourselves in the teaching roll any more then we are asked to do so. We feel like it would be great to all get together and train again…. if you don’t remember a form you once knew and want help learning it again please come that is part the idea. If you train a form regularly and want some other ideas about it please come through conversations and training in a group setting you may find new pieces to work on.
Saturday the 12th
10am-11:45 Meridian QiGong
12-1pm Five Element QiGong
1-2pm Potluck Lunch
2-4:30pm BaGua
4:30-5:30pm BaGua Ding Shyr
Sunday the 13th
10am-11:30am Wang JiWu
11:30-1pm ThaiJi WuHou style with Chris Hill
1-2pm Potluck Lunch
2-5pm XingYi
There is no charge for the gathering but due to the cost of renting the facility we would greatly appreciate donations of any amount to help cover that cost.
Please come at the start of any given block so that we can factor your requests in to the material covered. At the start of the XingYi and BaGua blocks there will be ample warm up exercises and if you are only interested in reviewing those please feel free to come at those times.
Looking forward to seeing you all again and training together.
Yarrow, Eli and Quinn