Day of Gratitude
Join us for a day in gratitude! From dawn till dusk, we wish to offer gratitude and honor to the Earth, this verdant land, our abundant harvest, and the healing community it nourishes with ceremony, meditation and fun for everyone.
Bring a picnic lunch and come all day or join us any time throughout.
The day will conclude with a Community Potluck — open to all!!
Inside the Great Hall
7:45-8:30 am — Invocation to the Four Directions with sacred Kultruns from Chile followed by an intention setting meditation for the day, led by Katherine Chantal.
8:30-9:00am — Tea Break
9:00 am — Healing Sound Temple with Crystal Bowls led by Kathryn Ashera Rose
and Auricular Acupuncture with Nile Bachmann
10:00 am — Sunray Meditation with Starweaving, led by Diane Elliott
11:00 am — Dances of Universal Peace, led by Ashera Rose & Diane Elliot. Music & kirtan by members of Bhakti Kulani
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch Break
Afternoon activities, especially those outside, have been geared toward the inclusion of youth, so bring your kids!
1:00 pm — Ancestor Meditation, led by Lisa Watersnake
1:45 pm — Community Singing Circle, led by Craig Green & Cleo Keller
2:45 pm — Dances of Universal Peace, led by Ashera Rose & Diane Elliot. Music & kirtan by members of Bhakti Kulani
4:00 pm — Spoken Word by Mara Robbins
4:10 pm — Mabon Dance performance by Katie Wells, music by Lobo Marino
4:30 pm — Closing Circle & Meal Blessing, led by Katherine Chantal
5:00 pm — Community Potluck with live music by Lobo Marino
Outside Activities
Afternoon activities have been geared toward the inclusion of youth, so bring your kids!
12:30 pm — Statue Dedication, led by Nile Bachman
1:00 pm – Sun Style Tai Chi with Animal Qi Gong and Temple Exercises, led by Beth Spillman
2:00 – 4:00 pm – Exploring Biodynamics, led by Mark New Moon and Adam Fisher, meet at Barn
3:00 pm – Children’s Storytelling, led by Lisa Watersnake, meet at Greenhouse
All day prayer flag and prayer tie making set up in the Greenhouse for all ages.
All day smudging and welcoming on the front porch.
Cornmeal and Biodynamic Tea for plant and land blessings will be available for all as a self-guided prayer activity.
The Shanti at Deer Park is also available for silent meditation at any time throughout the day and for a guided meditation from 5:00-6:00 pm.
At the Blue Ridge Center for Chinese Medicine and Appalachian Medicinal Herb Growers Consortium.
144 Silver Maple Lane
Pilot, VA 24138 or 540-651-2682 and visit us online on Facebook or at!