Forest Botanicals Workshop (At the Floyd EcoVillage)-FULLY BOOKED

August 5, 2016 @ 8:00 am – August 7, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
Floyd EcoVillage
Tiffany Brown

Located at the Floyd EcoVillage, this 2-day training event organized by the Blue Ridge Woodland Growers and sponsored by the Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer (ABFF) Program will provide an overview of forest farming from the forest floor to the shelf. It will cover the basics of growing woodland medicinals, explore the economics of these products, introduce options for third party verification for forest grown products, and offer an opportunity for dialogue between advanced forest farmers. Hands on sessions will offer the opportunity to experience the entire forest farming process from propagation to sustainable harvest and beyond. Participants will have a number of opportunities to have questions answered by experienced forest farmers, extension agents, forest farming researchers, and trained botanists. A pre-program daylong woodland medicinal field intensive is offered for those wanting to explore the ecology, life cycle, and identification of woodland medicinal in local forests.

View event details HERE.

Learn more and register for this 2-day event HERE.

Weekend cost:

Main event: $40 for Friday evening to Sunday, (includes meals, accommodation is not included)

Friday Field Intensive: $20 (bring your own packed lunch)


  • $20 per night for single bed at the Floyd EcoVillage
  • $11 per night camping at the Floyd EcoVillage (must bring own equipment)