Local Foods Group – Weston A Price Chapter Meeting


Join us to create a Local Food group!

Let us explore ways to replenish, rejuvenate, and revitalize our health simply through the meals we prepare.

Learn about caring for your self and your family in the easiest and most enjoyable way possible:
by the food you feast on.
In this introductory gathering, Eva Jo Wu (advanced Rolfer and founder of Roanoke Foods Co-op) will guide us through foundational concepts of health and wellness from the teachings of
Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Sally Fallon-Morell, along with a Nourishing Tradition’s-inspired potluck meal.

Sunday, August 18  2:30 – 5:00

 Open to everyone!

Whether you have never cooked before or you grow food in your own garden – to anyone in between. Enjoy an afternoon of community and inspiration!
$12 per person or$5 with the contribution of a potluck dish derived or inspired by Nourishing Traditions